Room Parents
Each classroom has a Room Parent, who assists the teacher and FOH with a variety of tasks. Some of the Room Parent duties include: serving as the primary contact for both the teacher and the parents of the classroom to answer questions or offer assistance, coordinating a birthday gift for the teacher from the class by way of seeking donations from the classroom parents, assisting with the holiday and end of year celebration parties, and helping FOH secure monetary donations to be used toward the grade-level basket for the Huggins Gala. A formal Room Parent Meeting will take place at the start of each school year to go over the responsibilities and expectations of a Huggins Room Parent in more detail. The date for this meeting will be announced soon, so stay tuned! Being a Room Parent is one of the most valuable and important roles at our school. They hugely help our teachers, work hard to keep our parents "in the know" and assist FOH in huge ways! Their other title is "Room Hero!" So grab your cape and join us this year!
Room Parents are listed by grade-level and teacher name below. (Coming soon!) Please click on the Room Parent name to contact them by email.
Our Room Mom Coordinator is Pamela Oroz and is here to help our room parents and teachers connect as the primary contact for all things Huggins! Please feel free to contact her with any questions: [email protected].
Room Parents are listed by grade-level and teacher name below. (Coming soon!) Please click on the Room Parent name to contact them by email.
Our Room Mom Coordinator is Pamela Oroz and is here to help our room parents and teachers connect as the primary contact for all things Huggins! Please feel free to contact her with any questions: [email protected].